Salford Youth Zone is a registered charity whose aim is to provide a safe and inspiring place for thousands of young people aged 8 – 19 years (up to 25 for those with additional needs) to enjoy their leisure time.
Any complaints regarding Salford Youth Zone or its practices will be taken seriously and processed according to the procedures set out in this policy.
The aims of the policy are to:
- Ensure all young people and users have open and fair access to the complaints process
- Manage complaints effectively and efficiently
- Operate a prompt, fair complaint escalation and review process
We will share relevant information with appropriate agencies in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2018, which governs when and how we can share personal information.
A complaint can be raised in the following ways:
- Verbally to a member of staff who will support the complainant to complete a Complaint Form
- Completing and posting/delivering a Complaint Form to Empower’s Chief Executive Adam Farricker (1 Queens Avenue, Gorton, M12 5PX)
- Completing and emailing a Complaint Form to the Chief Executive (
If the complainant feels unable to address the complaint or concern to the Chief Executive in the first instance, they may write to the Chair of Empower’s Board of Trustees (Joanne Whittaker, Trustee, C/O HideOut Youth Zone, 1 Queens Avenue, Gorton, M12 5PX)
Stage 1
A complaint will first be investigated at Stage One of the complaints procedure. There may be exceptional circumstances where a complaint will proceed straight to Stage Two, such as if the complaint involves a member of management or Senior Leadership Team, or if the complaint is particularly serious in nature. In all matters, Salford Youth Zone will progress a complaint in a fair and transparent manner; within:
- 3 working days: We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and provide an indication of when a substantive response to the complaint might be given.
- 7 days: We will arrange to meet with the complainant (where appropriate) to review the complaint and gather further information. We will also meet with members of staff and stakeholders as necessary.
- 28 days: Within the 28-day period, an investigation into the circumstances outlined in the complaint is carried out.
We will write to the complainant setting out our findings and, if necessary, offering a resolution.
In exceptional circumstances it may not be possible to maintain these service standards. Where a deadline is not expected to be met, the complainant will be informed.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response to the complaint, they have the right to appeal. The procedure for making an appeal will be set out in the complaint response and an appeal must be made within 10 working days of the closure letter.
Stage 2: Appeal against Decision
If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of Stage 1 of the procedure, or feels that the procedure has not been followed, the next stage is to ask for a review of the original decision. Complainants can request a review when:
- Any aspect of their complaint has not been upheld
- They are not satisfied with the method of redress (e.g. the action taken in response to a complaint)
A review of the decision will be taken by someone not involved in Stage 1, such as the Chief Executive or a member of the Board of Trustees.
Appeals against a decision will be progressed within:
- 3 working days: We will acknowledge receipt of the appeal in writing, name the Senior Officer or representative who will hear the appeal, and provide an indication of when a substantive response to the complaint might be given.
- 5 working days: The Senior Officer hearing the appeal will arrange to meet with the complainant (where appropriate) to understand the grounds for the appeal.
- 15 working days: We will write to the complainant setting out our findings and, if necessary, offering resolution.
Where the complaint or concern is directed in the first instance to the Chair of the Board, the Chairperson will ensure an investigation into the circumstances is carried out, and follow the procedure outlined above.
Where the complainant has appealed to the Chairperson for a review of the response to a complaint or concern, the Chairperson or another member of the Board acting on their behalf, will carry out the investigation. The Chairperson will aim to produce a decision, which is final, and to notify the complainant of their conclusion within 15 working days of receiving the letter, together with a clear explanation for the decision.
All complaints or concerns received, together with a copy of the response to the complainant, will be notified to the Chair of the Trustee Board.
Salford Youth Zone observes the Fundraising Regulator’s four values of the Code of Fundraising Practice, which are:
- Legal: All fundraising must meet the requirements of the law.
- Open: Fundraisers must be open with the public about their processes and must be willing to explain (where appropriate) if they are asked for more information.
- Honest: Fundraisers must act with integrity and must not mislead the public about the cause they are fundraising for or the way a donation will be used.
- Respectful: Fundraisers must demonstrate respect whenever they have contact with any member of the public.
Salford Youth Zone will endeavour to resolve any complaints or concerns regarding our fundraising practices directly with the complainant, however if they feel further investigation is required, the complainant should contact the Fundraising Regulator: